More ways to manage renders, drafts

Can there be a way to select ONLY images in my personal gallery which are NOT organized into a project folder. Anything that’s essentially in our gallery’s root folder.


I’ll usually have a ton of bad renders from my workflow, and I’ll only keep select ones, which are organized into project folders. Anything outside of those are ones I want to delete, but if I select all, it also selects ones I’ve designated to keep.

Being able to select unorganized images would allow for speedy bulk deletion of trash, rather than having to select one at a time or reply to each message on telegram with the delete prompt.

Barring that, maybe an icon to indicate something IS in a folder somewhere on the thumbnail? Manual deselection from a select all isn’t that bad.

Or even maybe a button on the main page next to select all that allows deselection of anything that’s been put into another folder.

There’s probably a ton of ways to implement what I’m suggesting, but anything that allows image management without having to click each and every image without knowing if it’s been organized or not.

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3 months ago



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